The PoSh DBA: Solutions using PowerShell and SQL Server
There's a lot of great stuff available in perfmon, and tons of SQL Server-specific stuff available in the DMVs, DMFs, etc.
But what if you've got SQL Server access without remote connect privileges to the Windows server? Yeah, that happens sometimes. :-)
That's when executing some PowerShell via xp_cmdshell can become extremely handy.
I started with the code example in the blog post above, and expanded a bit in order to grab all of the process memory information I'm interested in. This ought to help determine if there's something external putting unexpected memory pressure on SQL Server, or if 'max server memory' is simply set too high. This process-level information won't answer that question alone - it'll have to be considered together with some information about SQL Server memory gathered from the DMVs and DMFs. But this is all I have time for today :-) Note: I'm grabbing the 64-bit measures below. If you happen to be on 32-bit Windows, you'll want to retrieve the 32-bit equivalents from Powershell (eg WorkingSet rather than WorkingSet64).
I wanted to put this stuff in a table...
CREATE TABLE process_memory (capture_tm DATETIME, ProcessName VARCHAR(256), Id INT, PrivateMemorySize64 BIGINT, NonpagedSystemMemorySize64 BIGINT, PagedSystemMemorySize64 BIGINT, PagedMemorySize64 BIGINT, PeakPagedMemorySize64 BIGINT, VirtualMemorySize64 BIGINT, PeakVirtualMemorySize64 BIGINT, WorkingSet64 BIGINT, PeakWorkingSet64 BIGINT constraint pk__process_memory primary key clustered (capture_tm, ProcessName, Id)) WITH (data_compression = page);
And here's a stored procedure to grab the info from Powershell, shred the XML into an EAV table, then pivot into the table structure I want.
CREATE OR ALTER PROCEDURE get__process_memory AS IF NOT EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM sys.tables WHERE [NAME] = 'process_memory') BEGIN PRINT 'Target table process_memory does not exist, early exit.' RETURN END IF NOT EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM sys.configurations WHERE [name] = 'xp_cmdshell' AND value_in_use = 1) BEGIN PRINT 'External operations with xp_cmdshell not enabled, early exit.' RETURN END SET NOCOUNT ON DECLARE @powershell_cmd VARCHAR(1000); DECLARE @XML_as_String VARCHAR(MAX); DECLARE @XML_again XML; --create a table variable for the data to go into, preserving the order of insertion DECLARE @XML TABLE (TheXML VARCHAR(2000), theOrder INT IDENTITY(1,1) PRIMARY KEY); SET @powershell_cmd = '@PowerShell -noprofile -command "Get-Process | Select-Object ProcessName,Id,PrivateMemorySize64,NonpagedSystemMemorySize64,' + 'PagedSystemMemorySize64,PagedMemorySize64,PeakPagedMemorySize64,VirtualMemorySize64,PeakVirtualMemorySize64,WorkingSet64,' + 'PeakWorkingSet64|ConvertTo-XML -As string"'; --insert the XML into the table, line by line INSERT INTO @XML(TheXML) EXECUTE xp_cmdshell @powershell_cmd; --now assemble the XML as a string in the correct order SELECT @XML_as_String=COALESCE(@XML_as_String,'') + theXML FROM @XML WHERE theXML IS NOT NULL ORDER BY theOrder; SELECT @XML_again = @XML_as_String; ;WITH eav_cte AS (SELECT --shred the XML into an EAV table along with the number of the object in the collection [property].value('(./text())[1]', 'Varchar(32)') AS [Value], [property].value('@Name', 'Varchar(32)') AS [Attribute], DENSE_RANK() OVER (ORDER BY [object]) AS unique_object FROM @XML_again.nodes('Objects/Object') AS b ([object]) CROSS APPLY b.object.nodes('./Property') AS c (property)) INSERT INTO process_memory SELECT GETDATE() capture_tm, ProcessName, Id, PrivateMemorySize64, NonpagedSystemMemorySize64, PagedSystemMemorySize64, PagedMemorySize64, PeakPagedMemorySize64, VirtualMemorySize64, PeakVirtualMemorySize64, WorkingSet64, PeakWorkingSet64 FROM eav_cte PIVOT (MAX([Value]) FOR [Attribute] IN (ProcessName, Id, PrivateMemorySize64, NonpagedSystemMemorySize64, PagedSystemMemorySize64, PagedMemorySize64, PeakPagedMemorySize64, VirtualMemorySize64, PeakVirtualMemorySize64, WorkingSet64, PeakWorkingSet64)) AS eav_pivot;
Excellent. This ought to do nicely.
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