Tuesday, December 7, 2021

#SQLServer - Database Cache Suppression

Third blog post in a quick series about potential trouble at the high AND low side of [\SQLServer:Buffer Manager\Target pages].  So far I've primarily talked about trouble on the low side of [Target pages], due to artificial restriction on the size of the database cache instance-wide, and an uneven expectation of [Free Memory] across the SQLOS memory nodes which can result in some SQLOS memory nodes having almost no database cache.  This blog post is another example of the uneven demand for [Free Memory] across SQLOS memory nodes.

Here are the first two blog posts, in order, where I started discussing this topic.

#SQLServer Column Store Object Pool -- the Houdini Memory Broker Clerk AND Perfmon [\SQLServer:Buffer Manager\Target pages]

#SQLServer Database Cache Memory Magic at SQLOS Node Level -- Chaotic or Even A Little Bit Sinister

The previous two posts have focused on December 1 on a particular system. That system is unusual in that it has 7 vNUMA nodes.  That's a pretty surprising number, and it comes from the vNUMA configuration of that 80 vcpu vm not being aligned with physical resources beneath.  That'll get straightened out sometime soon and it'll live the rest of its life as a 4x20 as soon as it does.

How much of the problem do I expect to go away once that system is a 4x20?  A little. But it won't remove the problem entirely.

Let's look at a different system in this post - a 4x22, 88 vcpu system set up as good as I know how.

Well... yeah, there's something I don't necessarily like to see.  Shortly after 3:15 am the database page read rate increases but database cache size decreases.   Sometimes that happens, due to other memory commitments.  There's only so much memory and if there's another need, database cache might hafta shrink even if it means more reads and more read waits.  But in this case it isn't apparent there is a need for ~256 gb of SQLOS [Free Memory] to be maintained for over an hour.  It looks like maybe something was anticipated, but never happened?

Sure enough - as in the example we've been looking at previously, there's suddenly a huge swing in [Target pages], and it predicts the change in [Free Memory] retention.

Adjust the ratio of Y-axes to 8:1 to account for the left axis measured in KB, and the right axis measured in 8kb pages...

Now [Target pages] is pretty nicely redictive of [Database Cache Memory (KB)].  Until nearly 4:45 am, anyway, when [Target pages] goes back to the stratosphere. 

So for well over an hour, on this SQL Server 2019 instance on a nicely laid out 4x22, 88 vcpus vm SQLOS maintained over 256 gb of [Free Memory].  While also under considerable database page read load.  That very likely lead to much higher page re-reads than would have been necessary otherwise.  Other than that - how fairly distributed among the SQLOS memory nodes was production and maintenance of [Free Memory]?  Ouch. The intensity of page freeing on individual SQLOS nodes is just as intense on this 4 node system as it was on the 7 node system.  Individual nodes still get down to almost no database cache.  But conditions seem to change faster - things stay really bad for less time than on the 7 node system.

I haven't looked at a 2 node system yet.  Or an 8 node sysem.  I definitely predict the 8 node system will look... scary.  I might be able to round up a 2 node system before an 8 node system to evaluate.

#SQLServer Database Cache Memory Magic at SQLOS Node Level -- Chaotic or Even A Little Bit Sinister

 This blog post continues to look at a topic I blogged about yesterday.

Yesterday's first post:

sql.sasquatch: #SQLServer Column Store Object Pool -- the Houdini Memory Broker Clerk AND Perfmon [\SQLServer:Buffer Manager\Target pages] (sql-sasquatch.blogspot.com)


And here's a post I finished later today, following this one.

sql.sasquatch: #SQLServer - Database Cache Suppression (sql-sasquatch.blogspot.com)


Hey!! What's up with the lavender boxes in all the graphs in this post!? I'm using the lavender boxes for visual alignment from graph to graph.  Not really necessary in the system-wide graphs since the changes in SQLOS free memory and database cache are so drastic; but they help me to align visually when i look at individual SQLOS nodes where the pattern gets more complicated.

To briefly recap: we looked at a system where SQLOS [Database Cache Memory] and [Free Memory] experienced dramatic, aggressive changes. Those changes were not related to database page read rates, evn though that is the primary inflow to database cache.

We saw that aggressive changes to [Target pages] predicted the aggressive changes to SQLOS database cache and free memory.  The maximum value for [Target pages] in this example is not attainable on the system; it is much larger than the SQL Server [Max Server Memory] setting.

The lower values for [Target pages], however, are very predictive of the [Database Cache Memory (KB)] values, once the left and right Y-axes are aligned in an 8:1 ratio.

Currently the only known drivers for these drastic changes in [Target pages] and the consequential changes in database cache and free memory are the entrance and exit of the column store object pool cache.  If I find more, I'll update these posts.

Today I want to look at the effect this has at the SQLOS memory node level.  By default, SQL Server SQLOS creates a memory node at startup for each detected vNUMA node on the system. Worker threads on the schedulers associated with the memory node tend the SQLOS memory on that node.  The patterns above and in yesterday's post look very orderly, even if not optimal.  Today we'll see if that holds true at the SQLOS node level as well.  This particular system currently has 7 vNUMA nodes. (sometimes vNUMA on monster VMs requires a little extra care to get into expected configuration. Hopefully soon this will be a 4x20 eighty vcpu VM with 4 vNUMA nodes instead of its current non-standard configuration.)

Here's memory graphs for each of the 7 current SQLOS nodes.  After these 7, I'll single out two to look at specifically.

Wow. Well, things definitely don't look as orderly at the SQLOS memory node level as the do at the system-wide level.  Let's focus on two of the nodes - 003 and 006. Now, unless someone has done some fancy rigamarole with affinitization, one won't be able to select a SQLOS scheduler node or memory node for a session's connection to be associated with.  Similarly, without fancy affinity won't be able to reliably predict which scheduler node(s) or memory node(s) will be home for parallel worker activity in the case of parallel queries (the nodes for parallel workers can be different than the scheduler node/memory node for the execution context ID 0 worker thread).

Imagine a DOP 1 query that handles a large table scan.  Because the high estimate of rows is past the tipping point(and return of a column absent from any index), table scan is always chosen rather than index access. The table being scanned is 20 GB in size - but assume no part of the table is in cache at the start of the hypothetical activity.  A session runs that query 6 times in succession, with different filter values (but each time its a full table scan).

This happens once between 7:30 am and 8:30 am, and once between 10:00 am and 11:00 am.

What would you expect to happen if both of those sessions performed their DOP 1 queries on node 003 (the top graph immediately below)? What would be different if instead those sessions performed their queries on node 006 (the lower of the graphs immediately below)?

OK, OK. I've shown the possibility of performance-by-lottery in this case. The hypothetical activity on node 003 might be able to cache the entire 20 gb table on the first scan, with second through sixth queries getting 100% cache hit.  The hypothetical ativity on node 006 has no chance of doing so. Each scan of that 20 gb table will have to read the full 20 gb table - and absorb any associated pageio_latch waits.

But is there any indication something like that actually happened? Yes, actually.

First of all, CPU utilization across the whole VM was cookin' pretty good.

Now let's look at the individual SQLOS memory nodes, with CPU utilization for the associated vNUMA nodes.

vNUMA node 3 has very high CPU utilization throughout.

vNUMA node 6 has spikier CPU, and it rarely is as high as on vNUMA node 3.  That's not entirely surprising to me.  The query activity responsible for CPU activity on vNUMA node 6 is experiencing many more pageio_latch waits than on vNUMA node 3 - because there is almost no database cache.  From 10:00 am - 11:00 am there is another indication of query activity on memory node 006 - other than the CPU activity on vNUMA node 6.  The continued growth of stolen memory on SQLOS memory node 006 is most likely due to growth of memory stolen against query workspace memory grants, for sort/hash activity and the like.

OK. So now I've shown that the amount of database cache and free memory on a system can change drastically due to the influence of [Target pages]. [Target pages] itself can dramatically change due to entrance/exit of the column store object pool memory broker clerk.  And even if these patterns look somewhat orderly at the system level, on large NUMA systems they may look chaotic or downright sinister.

Monday, December 6, 2021

#SQLServer Column Store Object Pool -- the Houdini Memory Broker Clerk AND Perfmon [\SQLServer:Buffer Manager\Target pages]

***** Update 2021 December 7 *****

In the DIY section of this post I added an explanation about the up-to-five second delay between creation of the column store object pool memory broker clerk, and the update to [Target pages].  I also added some modified code with built in WAITFOR '00:00:06' between each operation and checking the memory counters :-) That always gives the desired results... but wow waiting ~36 seconds for it to complete seems like it takes forever.

Happy holidays, y'all.

***** End Update December 7 *****


I use perfmon a lot for SQL Server stuff :-)

Have you ever looked at how the Microsoft Docs describe [\SQLServer:Buffer Manager\Target pages]?

SQL Server, Buffer Manager object - SQL Server | Microsoft Docs

There's not much there. As of 2021 December 6:

Target pagesIdeal number of pages in the buffer pool.

That's not much to go on. And I'm a very inquisitive individual.

So much so that I wrote 3 posts (so far) about this issue.

The second post:

sql.sasquatch: #SQLServer Database Cache Memory Magic at SQLOS Node Level -- Chaotic or Even A Little Bit Sinister (sql-sasquatch.blogspot.com)


The third post:

sql.sasquatch: #SQLServer - Database Cache Suppression (sql-sasquatch.blogspot.com)


When I saw the memory graph below for a SQL Server 2017 system, my interest was piqued.

Lots of database pages were being read into cache as seen in the graph below, and there isn't any seeming correlation between the page read rate and the size of database cache.  Hmmm.

Database page reads are usually the major cause of inflow into database cache, and as such are a primary driver (together with database cache size) of the calculated [\SQLServer:Buffer Manager\Page life expectancy] counter. Considering the graphs immediately above and below, as one would expect, at a given page read rate PLE is higher when database cache is larger.

Given the database page read rate and PLE as seen above, why would SQL Server choose to amass and maintain for long periods of time ~30% of [Total Server Memory] as [Free Memory]? Especially since it has to constrain [Database Cache Memory] to about 50% of [Total Server Memory] to do that?

Sure enough, our friend [\SQLServer:Buffer Manager\Target pages] seems to be involved.  The maximum value of the measure in orange below, against the Y-axis on the right, is 2456027136 pages. With 8 kb pages, that works out to 18738 gb. That's an awful lot since [Max Server Memory] is pretty close to 1024 gb. This system is a vm with 1200 gb vRAM.

What if I change the ratio between the left Y-axis and the right Y-axis? The unit of measure on the left is kb, and on the right it's 8 kb pages. So what happens if I use an 8:1 ratio for the measures? Same maximum of 1280 million for the left Y-axis. But instead of 3000 million as a maximum on the right Y-axis, a maximum of 160 million.

Yeah, that's better! Suddenly [\SQLServer:Buffer Manager\Target pages] at the low end has a much more intuitive relatonship with the database cache size. Now [Target pages] is better predictive of database cache size, when it's NOT equal to 2456027136 pages. :-)

So, what event or condition can lead to such a drastic change in [\SQLServer:Buffer Manager\Target pages], with such significant consequences for database cache size?  For now, I only know of one event that changes [Target pages] from a seemingly too-high-to-be-achieved number, to an achievable number which *may* result in a database cache being artificially constrained in size on a given system: creation and presence of the column store object pool memory broker clerk.

The buffer pool memory broker clerk is ever-present in a SQL Server instance.  But the column store object pool memory broker clerk is a Houdini-kinda thing.  It doesn't get created until buffer pages for a columnstore segment are read and need to be serialized into the object pool.  Writing to or reading from delta stores isn't sufficient to create or sustain the column store object pool. Using an index reorganize on delta store contents only to compress a new columnstore row group won't do it.  Bulk insert of over 102400 rows with sufficient memory grant to immediately compress into a new rowgroup - nope, that won't create or sustain the column store object pool memory broker clerk, either.  Have to read buffer pool pages for a columnstore segment.  And once there are no more buffer pool pages in the buffer pool... poof! That Houdini-like column store object pool memory broker disappears! And [\SQLServer:Buffer Manager\Target pages] returns from a maybe-reasonable, maybe-too-restricted value to an unachievable-on-this-system value.

Maybe there's another event or condition that can cause this Jeckyll-Hyde transformation. I don't know of one yet, but I'll keep searching, and asking.

Maybe you'd like to try this yourself? You can, on SQL Server 2017 or 2019. (Pretty sure this'll have similar results on SQL Server 2016 and 2022, but I've not verified that.)

Here are some screenshots, and all the code is down at the bottom of the post.

Don't do it in a production instance, please :-) Make sure there isn't an existing column store object pool when you try this, and that potential columnstore work from others while you do this doesn't affect your results. An instance where you are the only user, immediatelu after a clean shutdown and restart should work well.  If you're the only user, checkpoint and dropcleanbuffers or freesystemcache for columnstore object pool should get you to a clean memory slate to start.

Here's the T-SQL query I use to get a quick lookie-loo at memory right after I start up the SQL Server instance.  Notice there is no column store object pool memory broker clerk. Not just zero in size - the row doesn't exist in the DMV - hence my LOJ to the DMV on 1=1 just to report the NULL size. Look at the comparison between [Max Server Memory] in kb and [Target pages] in kb!  This is my laptop, so MSM is set to 4 gb. That [Target pages] value! 258998272 kb works out to 247 gb. Not gonna get that on my laptop :-)


After verifying that column store object pool didn't exist, I used the code below to get one.

I actually checked after each step: creating the table, inserting 1000 row into delta store, reading 1000 rows from delta store, reorg to compress the delta store into a rowgroup.  Each of those steps showed I still didn't have a column store object pool in the instance. And [Target pages] remained at an unattainable number.

Finally, I read the table contents from the columnstore compressed rowgroup. And that created the memory broker clerk. And brought [Target pages] down from the stratosphere, to a number that could actually be achieved on this system (and thus could serve as a reasonable target). The target of 3695216 kb is just a hair over 88% of the max server memory value of 4 gb or 4194304 kb.

As I mentioned earlier, there may be other events or conditions that can cause this type of shift in [Target pages]. I don't know of any, yet. But I'll update this post when I learn of some.

I have some concerns on both sides of that major change in [Target pages], actually. The really high value is great at making the database cache aggressive, and keeping free memory to a minimum in the instance.  But - does it make SQL Server reluctant to shrink the database cache when it could in order to bring [Total Server Memory] back down to [Target Server Memory] after SQL Server has "colored outside the lines"?  I think it might.  Also, while allowing the database cache to remain aggressive in using up nearly all free memory is very good for PLE, the pressure on internal memory use within [Total Server Memory] may be causing unnecessary delays or CPU usage.  For example, if there's little-to-no free memory while a sort or hash is executing and memory needs to be stolen against the query's workspace memory grant, it would seem to be better to have some free memory around than to have to scrounge for it.
On the other hand, restricting database cache for what seems to be a fixed amount of free memory in some cases can lead to inefficient use of memory.  I definitely think that was the case in the graphs above, where free memory was over 396 gb at 7:30 am, when the read rate was over 240000 pages/s (1.8 gigabytes/s) and PLE ranged between 4 and 24.  A second concern is how evenly distributed memory freeing activity is across SQLOS nodes (this topic deserves at least a full post on its own, if not a series). 

Anyway... here's the code I used in my little DIY above :-)
	msm(max_server_memory__kb) AS
(	SELECT CONVERT(INT, value_in_use) * 1024 FROM sys.configurations 
	WHERE name			= 'max server memory (MB)')
,	tgt(target_pages__kb) AS
(	SELECT cntr_value * 8 FROM sys.dm_os_performance_counters 
	WHERE counter_name	= 'Target Pages')
,	bpool(bpool__kb) AS
(	SELECT total_kb FROM sys.dm_os_memory_broker_clerks
	WHERE clerk_name	= 'Buffer Pool')
,	cs(csopool__kb) AS
(	SELECT total_kb FROM sys.dm_os_memory_broker_clerks
	WHERE clerk_name	= 'Column store object pool')
SELECT *, vers = @@version

CREATE TABLE lonely_cci (c1 INT, INDEX cci__lonely_cci CLUSTERED COLUMNSTORE);
/*	no change in [Target Pages], no cso pool broker clerk yet */

INSERT INTO lonely_cci
FROM master..spt_values;
/*	only 1000 rows inserted, so into delta store 
	no change in [Target Pages], no cso pool broker clerk yet */

SELECT cnt = COUNT(*) FROM lonely_cci;
/*	reading from delta store
	no change in [Target Pages], no cso pool broker clerk yet */

/*	the reorg compresses the delta store into a columnstore rowgroup
	no change in [Target Pages], no cso pool broker clerk yet */

SELECT cnt = COUNT(*) FROM lonely_cci;
/*	reading from the bpool pages associated with the first CCI rowgroup
	initializes the column store object pool memory broker clerk
	and serializes the memory contents of the bpool pages into the pool
	now [Target Pages] is a value reflective/directive of bpool size
	and the object pool memory broker clerk shows up in dm_os_memory_broker_clerks */

/*	-- any of the following will result in eviction of the rowgroup's bpool pages from bpool
	-- once there are no bpool pages for any columnstore segment in the bpool
	--		[Target Pages] returns to a value much greater 
	--			than [Max Server Memory] or [Target Server Memory]
	--		column store object pool memory broker clerk disappears 
	--			from dm_os_memory_broker_clerks
	DBCC FREESYSTEMCACHE('Column store object pool') WITH no_infomsgs;
	TRUNCATE TABLE lonely_cci;
	DROP TABLE lonely_cci; */

***** Update 2021 December 7 *****
The [Target pages] counter is only updated every ~5 seconds.  I don't know if the operational value is changed faster than that with shared memory for counter retrieval only updated every ~5 seconds? Or maybe the Resource Monitor has a ~5 second schedule for actually updating the operational value for [Target pages]? I *think* the operational value is updated immediately and shared memory only updated every ~5 seconds - that's the pattern I've seen with counters related to Resource Governor Workload Group requests completed/second and similar perfmon counters, too. 

When I used:
WAITFOR DELAY '00:00:05'
after each operation and before checking [Target pages], there were still occasional misses of the updated value (eg there was a non-NULL size reported for column store object pool memory broker clerk but [Target pages] was still the same too-big value as when the broker clerk did not exist).  By waiting 6 seconds after each operation before checking I always saw [Target pages] updated as expected: when column store object pool broker clerk existed, [Target pages] was less than [Max Server Memory] (and less than [Target Server Memory]); when column store broker clerk did not exist, [Target pages] was much larger than [Max Server Memory].

Here's some modified code including the WAITFOR DELAY '00:006' if you want to just run the durn thing in one go :-)  It completes in ~36 seconds but it feels like forever before it finishes :-)

CREATE OR ALTER PROCEDURE #memcheck @step NVARCHAR(30) = 'no comment' AS
WAITFOR DELAY '00:00:06';
	msm(max_server_memory__kb) AS
(	SELECT CONVERT(INT, value_in_use) * 1024 FROM sys.configurations 
	WHERE name			= 'max server memory (MB)')
,	ser(target_server__kb) AS
(	SELECT cntr_value FROM sys.dm_os_performance_counters  
	WHERE counter_name	= 'Target Server Memory (KB)')
,	buf(target_pages__kb) AS
(	SELECT cntr_value * 8 FROM sys.dm_os_performance_counters 
	WHERE counter_name	= 'Target pages')
,	bpool(bpool__kb) AS
(	SELECT total_kb FROM sys.dm_os_memory_broker_clerks
	WHERE clerk_name	= 'Buffer Pool')
,	cs(csopool__kb) AS
(	SELECT total_kb FROM sys.dm_os_memory_broker_clerks
	WHERE clerk_name	= 'Column store object pool')
SELECT capture_tm = SYSDATETIME(), target_pages__diy_operation = @step, *, vers = LEFT(@@version, PATINDEX('%(KB%', @@version) - 2)
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS #diy__target_pages;
CREATE TABLE #diy__target_pages
(	capture_tm					DATETIME2
,	target_pages__diy_operation	NVARCHAR(40)
,	max_server_memory__kb		BIGINT
,	target_server__kb			BIGINT
,	target_pages__kb			BIGINT
,	bpool__kb					BIGINT
,	csopool__kb					BIGINT
,	vers						NVARCHAR(40)
,	INDEX cci__diy__target_pages CLUSTERED (capture_tm)) WITH (DATA_COMPRESSION = ROW);

CREATE TABLE #lonely_cci (c1 INT, INDEX cci__lonely_cci CLUSTERED COLUMNSTORE);
INSERT INTO #diy__target_pages EXEC #memcheck N'cci created';
INSERT INTO #lonely_cci SELECT TOP (1000) ROW_NUMBER() OVER (ORDER BY (SELECT NULL)) FROM master..spt_values;
INSERT INTO #diy__target_pages EXEC #memcheck N'delta store insert';
IF (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM #lonely_cci) = 1 PRINT 'nope';
INSERT INTO #diy__target_pages EXEC #memcheck N'delta store select';
INSERT INTO #diy__target_pages EXEC #memcheck N'reorg';
IF (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM #lonely_cci) = 1 PRINT 'nope';
INSERT INTO #diy__target_pages EXEC #memcheck N'compressed select';
DROP TABLE #lonely_cci; /* see comment below about ways to get rid of column store object pool memory broker clerk */
INSERT INTO #diy__target_pages EXEC #memcheck N'drop table';
SELECT * FROM #diy__target_pages ORDER BY capture_tm ASC;
/*	-- any of the following will result in eviction of the rowgroup's bpool pages from bpool
	-- once there are no bpool pages for any columnstore segment in the bpool
	--		[Target Pages] returns to a value much greater 
	--			than [Max Server Memory] or [Target Server Memory]
	--		column store object pool memory broker clerk disappears 
	--			from dm_os_memory_broker_clerks
	DBCC FREESYSTEMCACHE('Column store object pool') WITH no_infomsgs;
	TRUNCATE TABLE #lonely_cci;
	DROP TABLE #lonely_cci; */

And this was the result when I ran that code on my lil ol' laptop.

Happy holidays!

***** End Update December 7 *****