Thursday, September 5, 2013

Problem case: AIX 6.1 system paging space writes in spite of sufficient free memory

I wanted to share some statistics from a few systems to show that some AIX memory management conditions are extremely difficult to understand without access to information about the amount of free memory in each of the memory pools.  Although there are ways to get this information from kdb... using kdb for monitoring doesn't seem like a great idea if there is an alternative.  Secondly, since root privileges are required to run kdb... it has to be root that runs the collection script.  I'd really like for this information to be included in something like vmstat output... but I've got to justify the value of such an enhancement. 

So I'll create a few posts with some of the numbers I've grabbed from various systems.  Places where page out to paging space is occurring, even though there sure seems like sufficient free server memory to prevent lrud from paging contents to paging space. 

Its true that there isn't much tuning that can be performed when you see that paging is due to imbalanced use of the memory pools.  But administrators don't just use systems stats for tuning feedback.  Sometimes its to diagnose a defect for which a fix is already available.  Sometimes the stats are used to get some more attention in a PMR to a condition that is likely a bug, and might be dismissed as application behavior or misconfiguration otherwise.  (I suspect that the defect fixed by recent AIX 6.1 TL6 APAR IV28494 and effecting all TLs up to AIX 7.1 TL2 could have been found and fixed a lot earlier if the pool level information could be retrieved in a less arcane manner.  Retrieving stats from the memory pool level can also build leverage for disabling memory_affinity when it would be beneficial - even though the general recommendation is to keep memory_affinity enabled in spite of memory pool imbalance.

Here's some information from a Power6 system that I gathered months ago.

[sasquatch@mtnhome] $ oslevel -s
[sasquatch@mtnhome] $ lssrad -av
REF1   SRAD        MEM      CPU
          0   23767.31      0-19

[root@mtnhome] # echo "mempool *" |kdb
           START              END <name>
0000000000001000 0000000004160000 start+000FD8
F00000002FF47600 F00000002FFDF9C8 __ublock+000000
000000002FF22FF4 000000002FF22FF8 environ+000000
000000002FF22FF8 000000002FF22FFC errno+000000
F1000F0A00000000 F1000F0A10000000 pvproc+000000
F1000F0A10000000 F1000F0A18000000 pvthread+000000
read vscsi_scsi_ptrs OK, ptr = 0x0
(0)> mempool *
                 VMP MEMP  NB_PAGES  FRAMESETS        NUMFRB
F1000F0009740000  00  000   0023D7F0  000 001 002 003 000384E7
F1000F0009740500  00  001   0023C280  004 005 006 007 000375B0
F1000F0009740A00  01  002   000AB300  008 009 00A 00B 0001B078
F1000F0009740F00  02  003   000AB300  00C 00D 00E 00F 00012D57

So I've got two virtual memory pools, each with two memory pools.
Memory pool 001 has 2349040 4k frames and pool 002 has 2343552 4k frames - approximately 8.96 GB and 8.94 GB respectively.
Pools 002 and 003 each have 701184 4k frames - approximately 2.67 GB each.

Since the time I gathered the information above, I've switched to using the frs subcommand for these investigations.  Having the breakdown between 4k and 64k pages is especially useful.  But the decimal conversion for the free frames in each frameset is especially helpful in of-the-moment support situations.

Here's the real guts of the numbers.  Its 5:00 am to 5:40 am, with two instance of vmstat collecting information in 15 second intervals.  One instance is collecting 4k page info, the other instance collecting 64k info (that's why I've even included he two timestamps below).

Some observations:
With default minfree in place, if server memory was being used without regard to which pool its in, we wouldn't expect to see page outs of 4k pages unless the free list falls below 4 * 960 = 3840, since there are 4 pools and lrud looks at each pool freelist for the minfree threshold.
From 5:30:13 to 5:36:13, vmstat indicates at least 8682 4k pages on the freelist and at least 500 64k pages on the freelist.  But there was significant pageout activity.From 5:38:58 to 5:40:43 there were at least 9506 4k pages in the freelist and at least 588 64k pages in the freelist.  But there was significant pageout activity.

Now, at the time that I gathered this information, I didn't have my monitor written to grab information from kdb in regular intervals.  But I strongly suspected that the memory pool imbalance was problematic.

There's only one other explanation that I can think of... microbursts of memory activity, where the freelists are dipping below the minfree threshold for such a small time that the 15 second averages look they should have stayed above minfree the whole time.  I'm sure that happens sometimes... but I'm also positive that it doesn't happen frequently enough to be behind all of the examples I've seen.

    time4k  avm4k  fre4k po4k pi4k   time64k    siz64k    avm64k
fre64k      po64k       pi64k
5:00:12 4479677 1536267 0 0 5:00:13 146351 145536 815 0 0
5:00:27 4498516 1517192 0 2 5:00:28 146351 145556 795 0 0
5:00:42 4470942 1544745 0 0 5:00:43 146351 145560 791 0 0
5:00:57 4479972 1535693 0 0 5:00:58 146351 145560 791 0 0
5:01:12 4451605 1561740 0 0 5:01:13 146351 145540 811 0 0
5:01:27 4451606 1561727 0 0 5:01:28 146351 145540 811 0 0
5:01:42 4478956 1531924 0 0 5:01:43 146351 145580 771 0 0
5:01:57 4520184 1490667 0 0 5:01:58 146351 145620 731 0 0
5:02:12 4490547 1520289 0 0 5:02:13 146351 145610 741 0 0
5:02:27 4490555 1520262 0 0 5:02:28 146351 145610 741 0 0
5:02:42 4490562 1520239 0 0 5:02:43 146351 145610 741 0 0
5:02:57 4489768 1518583 0 0 5:02:58 146351 145620 731 0 0
5:03:12 4501919 1506416 0 0 5:03:13 146351 145625 726 0 0
5:03:27 4488049 1517839 0 0 5:03:28 146351 145620 731 0 0
5:03:42 4464548 1541320 0 0 5:03:43 146351 145615 736 0 0
5:03:57 4386328 1619525 0 0 5:03:58 146351 145625 726 0 0
5:04:12 4391810 1614029 0 0 5:04:13 146351 145625 726 0 0
5:04:27 4416017 1589805 0 0 5:04:28 146351 145615 736 0 0
5:04:42 4366296 1637076 0 0 5:04:43 146351 145612 739 0 0
5:04:57 4403652 1599700 0 0 5:04:58 146351 145627 724 0 0
5:05:12 4409458 1593879 0 0 5:05:13 146351 145627 724 0 0
5:05:27 4419552 1583769 0 0 5:05:28 146351 145616 735 0 0
5:05:42 4429782 1571079 0 0 5:05:43 146351 145632 719 0 0
5:05:57 4612693 1388153 0 0 5:05:58 146351 145851 500 0 0
5:06:12 4697491 1303332 0 0 5:06:13 146415 145927 488 0 0
5:06:27 4809394 1191409 0 0 5:06:28 146415 145927 488 0 0
5:06:42 4862231 1138485 0 0 5:06:43 146415 145917 498 0 0
5:06:57 4995781 1004911 0 0 5:06:58 146415 145913 502 0 0
5:07:12 5039214 961462 0 0 5:07:13 146415 145923 492 0 0
5:07:27 5183831 816828 0 0 5:07:28 146479 146003 476 0 0
5:07:42 5470116 530524 0 0 5:07:43 146479 145993 486 0 0
5:07:57 5796571 201577 0 0 5:07:58 146479 145993 486 0 0
5:08:12 6005278 12297 0 0 5:08:13 146479 146003 476 0 0
5:08:27 6116575 9595 0 0 5:08:28 146479 146003 476 0 0
5:08:42 6280564 10865 223 16 5:08:43 146479 146014 465 0 0
5:08:57 6427583 12747 3633 51 5:08:59 146479 146014 465 0 0
5:09:12 6565990 7375 5563 79 5:09:14 146479 146024 455 0 0
5:09:27 6626389 11171 4776 513 5:09:29 146479 146027 452 0 0
5:09:42 6659459 12307 2335 137 5:09:44 146479 146026 453 0 0
5:09:57 6706790 7293 2878 165 5:09:59 146479 146026 453 0 0
5:10:12 6767226 12054 4366 114 5:10:14 146479 146036 443 0 0
5:10:27 6605343 168827 353 179 5:10:29 146479 146036 443 0 0
5:10:42 6352312 418607 0 87 5:10:44 146479 146030 449 0 0
5:10:58 6331056 439211 0 47 5:10:59 146479 146019 460 0 0
5:11:13 6345507 423647 0 69 5:11:14 146479 146029 450 0 0
5:11:28 6348486 417263 0 48 5:11:29 146479 146029 450 0 0
5:11:43 6333264 430940 0 70 5:11:44 146479 146008 471 0 0
5:11:58 6333464 429803 0 59 5:11:59 146479 146003 476 0 0
5:12:13 6330497 432209 0 35 5:12:14 146479 146008 471 0 0
5:12:28 6412141 346997 0 71 5:12:29 146479 146007 472 0 0
5:12:43 6242615 512923 0 62 5:12:44 146479 145997 482 0 0
5:12:58 6225206 526757 0 74 5:12:59 146479 145958 521 0 0
5:13:13 6005319 739394 0 111 5:13:14 146479 145959 520 0 0
5:13:28 5889966 845417 0 52 5:13:29 146479 145954 525 0 0
5:13:43 5865012 869598 0 49 5:13:44 146479 145923 556 0 0
5:13:58 5864547 869608 0 28 5:13:59 146479 145922 557 0 0
5:14:13 5869100 863449 0 45 5:14:14 146479 145937 542 0 0
5:14:28 5906781 822685 0 29 5:14:29 146479 145947 532 0 0
5:14:43 5942513 786157 0 36 5:14:44 146479 145992 487 0 0
5:14:58 6072666 652280 0 27 5:14:59 146607 146151 456 0 0
5:15:13 6364199 360084 0 18 5:15:14 146735 146263 472 0 0
5:15:28 6183692 538880 0 39 5:15:29 146735 146237 498 0 0
5:15:43 6167569 554702 0 11 5:15:44 146735 146221 514 0 0
5:15:58 6144623 577429 0 9 5:15:59 146735 146215 520 0 0
5:16:13 6238689 482966 0 24 5:16:14 146735 146216 519 0 0
5:16:28 6275805 445741 0 5 5:16:29 146735 146214 521 0 0
5:16:43 6276013 445421 0 6 5:16:44 146735 146204 531 0 0
5:16:58 6101668 619137 0 30 5:16:59 146735 146194 541 0 0
5:17:13 6002164 715473 0 8 5:17:14 146735 146200 535 0 0
5:17:28 6021171 696197 0 14 5:17:29 146735 146200 535 0 0
5:17:43 6038452 675896 0 12 5:17:44 146735 146187 548 0 0
5:17:58 6017389 696735 0 13 5:17:59 146735 146196 539 0 0
5:18:13 6001791 712107 0 13 5:18:14 146735 146215 520 0 0
5:18:28 6100299 613431 0 9 5:18:29 146735 146220 515 0 0
5:18:43 6079615 633971 0 7 5:18:44 146735 146221 514 0 0
5:18:58 6041705 669336 0 5 5:18:59 146735 146210 525 0 0
5:19:13 6054484 656472 0 4 5:19:14 146735 146218 517 0 0
5:19:28 6169205 541487 0 13 5:19:29 146735 146223 512 0 0
5:19:43 6163877 544229 0 8 5:19:44 146735 146208 527 0 0
5:19:58 6109669 598314 0 6 5:19:59 146735 146203 532 0 0
5:20:13 6114987 592856 0 5 5:20:14 146735 146214 521 0 0
5:20:28 6112390 594749 0 10 5:20:29 146735 146208 527 0 0
5:20:43 6001914 704665 0 4 5:20:44 146735 146223 512 0 0
5:20:58 5979428 724528 0 10 5:20:59 146735 146173 562 0 0
5:21:13 5910642 791703 0 7 5:21:14 146735 146019 716 0 0
5:21:28 5889066 813092 0 9 5:21:29 146735 146019 716 0 0
5:21:43 5883143 816444 0 7 5:21:44 146735 146009 726 0 0
5:21:58 5876343 823175 0 2 5:21:59 146735 145999 736 0 0
5:22:13 5805146 881064 0 57 5:22:14 146735 145849 886 0 0
5:22:28 5814261 871760 0 10 5:22:29 146735 145849 886 0 0
5:22:43 5807678 875856 0 2 5:22:44 146735 145843 892 0 0
5:22:58 5808963 874398 0 4 5:22:59 146735 145839 896 0 0
5:23:13 5813056 870219 0 2 5:23:14 146735 145849 886 0 0
5:23:28 5818436 864699 0 8 5:23:29 146735 145849 886 0 0
5:23:43 5913180 769803 0 8 5:23:44 146735 145839 896 0 0
5:23:58 5869600 810909 0 1 5:23:59 146735 145759 976 0 0
5:24:13 5874825 805585 0 5 5:24:14 146735 145769 966 0 0
5:24:28 5876120 804175 0 6 5:24:29 146735 145769 966 0 0
5:24:43 5870572 807217 0 3 5:24:44 146735 145759 976 0 0
5:24:58 5870165 807600 0 0 5:24:59 146735 145759 976 0 0
5:25:13 5874069 803290 0 2 5:25:14 146735 145764 971 0 0
5:25:28 5872311 804982 0 3 5:25:29 146735 145764 971 0 0
5:25:43 5751209 925882 0 10 5:25:44 146735 145758 977 0 0
5:25:58 5649050 1025192 0 26 5:25:59 146735 145754 981 0 0
5:26:13 5542191 1129502 0 32 5:26:14 146735 145765 970 0 0
5:26:28 5567476 1098431 0 15 5:26:29 146735 145725 1010 0 0
5:26:43 5600712 1065064 0 7 5:26:44 146735 145720 1015 0 0
5:26:58 5624397 1041331 0 1 5:26:59 146735 145715 1020 0 0
5:27:13 5678175 987526 0 0 5:27:14 146735 145725 1010 0 0
5:27:28 5801846 863766 0 4 5:27:29 146735 145725 1010 0 0
5:27:43 5909041 756520 0 1 5:27:44 146735 145714 1021 0 0
5:27:58 6115877 549614 0 3 5:27:59 146735 145754 981 0 0
5:28:13 6225719 439712 0 2 5:28:14 146735 145764 971 0 0
5:28:28 6306554 358773 0 3 5:28:29 146735 145764 971 0 0
5:28:43 6479979 182769 0 0 5:28:44 146735 145759 976 0 0
5:28:58 6477155 185558 0 1 5:28:59 146735 145754 981 0 0
5:29:13 6483916 176334 0 0 5:29:14 146735 145764 971 0 0
5:29:28 6484490 175608 0 8 5:29:29 146735 145764 971 0 0
5:29:43 6479247 180769 0 4 5:29:44 146735 145754 981 0 0
5:29:58 6619282 40561 0 5 5:29:59 146607 145758 849 0 0
5:30:13 6750035 8682 6080 27 5:30:14 146287 145769 518 0 0
5:30:28 6883368 16921 9145 305 5:30:29 146287 145783 504 0 0
5:30:43 6883675 26659 1094 472 5:30:44 146287 145773 514 0 0
5:30:58 6998652 11274 6478 60 5:30:59 146287 145764 523 0 0
5:31:13 7086547 27384 7072 215 5:31:14 146287 145723 564 0 0
5:31:28 7102757 15740 573 254 5:31:29 146287 145733 554 0 0
5:31:43 7102780 13617 416 434 5:31:44 146287 145733 554 0 0
5:31:58 7100241 15577 135 162 5:31:59 146287 145722 565 0 0
5:32:13 7094751 18266 0 154 5:32:14 146287 145717 570 0 0
5:32:28 7054339 13354 1652 194 5:32:29 146287 145711 576 0 0
5:32:43 7166779 12982 5758 286 5:32:44 146287 145713 574 0 0
5:32:58 7159540 13688 2368 1255 5:32:59 146287 145698 589 0 0
5:33:13 7160757 13392 1452 1409 5:33:14 146287 145703 584 0 0
5:33:28 7063973 13343 792 1298 5:33:29 146287 145718 569 0 0
5:33:43 7091761 23755 0 992 5:33:44 146287 145713 574 0 0
5:33:58 7124021 19774 263 939 5:33:59 146287 145713 574 0 0
5:34:13 7157841 13599 4143 719 5:34:14 146287 145712 575 0 0
5:34:28 7193086 131661 1619 1079 5:34:29 146287 145728 559 0 0
5:34:43 7194450 110482 0 1158 5:34:44 146287 145722 565 0 0
5:34:58 7223337 61679 0 1268 5:34:59 146287 145712 575 0 0
5:35:13 7257609 16065 367 1148 5:35:14 146287 145734 553 0 0
5:35:28 7294603 21833 3754 919 5:35:29 146287 145723 564 0 0
5:35:43 7328123 18004 2742 855 5:35:44 146287 145723 564 0 0
5:35:58 7433631 16793 7636 1177 5:35:59 146287 145708 579 0 0
5:36:13 7311956 122769 577 1635 5:36:14 146287 145708 579 0 0
5:36:28 7298350 121975 0 616 5:36:29 146287 145678 609 0 0
5:36:43 7200397 211287 0 551 5:36:44 146287 145679 608 0 0
5:36:58 7211599 195574 0 288 5:36:59 146287 145674 613 0 0
5:37:13 7191540 211208 0 282 5:37:14 146287 145669 618 0 0
5:37:28 7178180 218436 0 403 5:37:29 146287 145680 607 0 0
5:37:43 7199237 193189 0 276 5:37:44 146287 145680 607 0 0
5:37:58 7236189 153162 0 202 5:37:59 146287 145667 620 0 0
5:38:13 7231388 152766 0 338 5:38:14 146287 145678 609 0 0
5:38:28 7246503 131784 0 379 5:38:29 146287 145683 604 0 0
5:38:43 7332105 43150 0 196 5:38:44 146287 145683 604 0 0
5:38:58 7372058 9506 380 69 5:38:59 146287 145692 595 0 0
5:39:13 7440512 17999 5099 302 5:39:14 146287 145672 615 0 0
5:39:28 7359622 120679 1398 68 5:39:29 146287 145683 604 0 0
5:39:43 7339478 138587 0 142 5:39:44 146287 145683 604 0 0
5:39:58 7363002 106450 0 543 5:39:59 146287 145678 609 0 0
5:40:13 7486826 17715 2697 439 5:40:14 146287 145683 604 0 0
5:40:28 7533916 13249 3020 389 5:40:29 146287 145694 593 0 0
5:40:43 7149365 378542 309 413 5:40:44 146287 145699 588 0 0
5:40:58 6856467 651238 0 233 5:40:59 146287 145689 598 0 0


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